Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Connecting to MySQL Sakila DB in Talend (or) tMysqlConnection component example

In this post you can learn how to connect to mysql "sakila" db in Talend Open Studio. 

1) From Palette navigate to Databases -> MySQL and drag and drop "tMysqlConnection" component
    to designer. 
2) Select the component, then in its Components pane provide database access details  as shown in below image. 
3) Add to Message boxes for Success or Failure messages of db connection.  These message boxes should be connected for OK or Error on component execution from tMysqlConnection component. 

Creating a new Project in Talend Open Studio 6.1

1) Launch TOS by clicking TOS_DI-win-x86_64.exe in windows-10/7

2) Below pop-up window will be opened

3) Select "Create a new project" and then click on "Create".

4) The created "Test" project will be available in "Select an existing project" list. Select the project as shown in below image and click on "Finish" button to open the TOS console. 

Talend Designer for jobs : 

This way one can create a new project in Talend Open Studio in Windows-10